Ch. 19 - What Jesus Did

1 hr. 17 min.
We uncover the deeper meaning behind the baptism of Jesus, his temptation in the desert wilderness, the Wedding at Cana (found in John 2), as well as Jesus' proclamation of the kingdom. We hearken back to Old Testament typology and prophetic themes, which stand as a backdrop to these Gospel narratives. We switch back and forth between the Gospels of Luke, Mark, Matthew, and John as we unveil the hidden meaning behind "what Jesus did."
When you tune into this episode, you will discover:
- why Jesus - who was without sin - submitted to a baptism of repentance.
- what the significance was of the devil tempting Jesus in the wilderness.
- why Jesus turned 180 gallons of water into the best of wine at a wedding.
- what kingdom Jesus meant when he said, "the kingdom of heaven is at hand!"
- what significance there is in where Jesus began his ministry: Capernaum.
- the meaning behind the number of apostles Jesus chose.
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I wanted to hear more about the Bible to be able to share it at my school and I found you. I like the way you speak and how you include everyone in your conversation. It'll take a while, but I will get through it. Thanks for what you do. God bless.
This Bible study is so addicting! I can't wait to listen and learn the depth of God's Word, in each lesson. I especially enjoy knowing what the hidden meanings of different scripture says. I am so grateful for your teachings, Carson.
I tell you professor, you have met my dreams come true. I had for a long time looking forward to studying the scriptures. Thanks for the big heart. I am really learning a lot. Keep going.
With my prayers,
Bro. Benjamin (Zambian living in South Africa)
If looked for ways of reading the Bible but this has really put things better together for me. Thanks and May the Bless you deeply for your contributions of spreading his message of love and forgiveness.
What a wonder way to learn and understand, Thank you Mr. Weber.
Learning so much and enjoying every bit of it.