Ch. 5 - Abraham, Our Father

The remainder of Salvation History is foretold in the three covenants God successively formed with Abram in Genesis 15, with Abraham in Genesis 17, and with Abraham's seed (Hb zerah) in Genesis 22. The first covenant (Gn 15) finds its fulfillment in the Mosaic Covenant when God forms Israel into a nation at the foot of Mount Sinai in the Arabian desert. The second covenant (Gn 17) is fulfilled in the Davidic Covenant when God takes the nation of Israel and transforms it into a kingdom under David, his heir Solomon, and each subsequent Davidic king. Finally, the third covenant (Gn 22) is fulfilled when Abraham's seed, Jesus, establishes the New Covenant wherein all the nations or families of the earth (i.e. the Gentiles) find blessing. You will see how the Biblical account of the binding of Isaac in Gn 22 (Hb aqedah) foreshadows the sacrifice of Jesus upon the cross in several very significant ways.
What translation has simple, yet beautiful vernacular? Bishop Fulton Sheen said there is an English version with lovely writing.
Enjoyed it from the first words o the end of the prayer, God bless you with spiritual wisdom to help us understand his Will
Studying another Bible course:
Question asked me: which 2 things did God promise to Abram?
I answered: Abram would receive a son and become wealthy
Answer from my mentor: Yes, it difficult? The correct answer would be Abram would receive a son and through his offspring a Savior would be born.
My question to her; Wasn't a Savior born of Virgin Mary? Was Mary Abraham's daughter?
Replied from my mentor: Indeed the Savior was born of the Virgin Maria Abraham was a forefather of Maria. If you read de lesson again you will see that it said: "God promised abram that he would become a father of a great nation. This is special because Sarai; Abram's wife was barren. They had waited for children many years already. God also promised that all people on earth will be blessed through you. This means that Abram will be the forefather of the Savior. Do you remember that God promised a Savior to Adam and Eve? One of Eve's descendants would crush the head of Satan. God did not forget this promise and now repeats it to Abram. See also Matt (1:1-16).
As a Catholic I do not understand I always thought that Jesus was born of Virgin Mary. Please show me some highlights on this.