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1 hr. 15 min.

We kick off this exciting Bible course by describing the sacred, inspired nature of the Bible, which is a quality unique to the 73 books of Sacred Scripture. What do we mean...

1 hr. 16 min.

We take a closer look at the golden thread that holds the Bible and all of Salvation History together: the covenant. You will learn the different important aspects of a coven...

1 hr. 19 min.

We focus upon the language and structure of the first three chapters of the Book of Genesis. This allows us to discover the interpretive...

1 hr. 14 min.

We go through Chapters 4 through 11 in the Book of Genesis. The author of Genesis contrasts the descendants of Cain (the evil seed of the serpent) with the line...

1 hr. 18 min.

The remainder of Salvation History is foretold in the three covenants God successively formed with Abram in Genesis 15, with Abraham in Genesis 17, and with Abra...

1 hr. 12 min.

We study the Biblical account from the end of Abraham's life through the end of the Book of Genesis when all is well for the 12 tribes of Israel in Goshen, Egypt. This...

1 hr. 19 min.

We delve into an explanation of the background to the narrative in the Book of Exodus, which in turn sheds light upon the story we read. Moses is presented as a New Noah...

1 hr. 16 min.

We begin where the last lesson left off with the Sinai Covenant wherein God enters into a solemn covenant relationship with the 12 Tribes of Israel. This covenant, which...

1 hr. 18 min.

We cover the history of salvation between the 40 years of Israel's wilderness wanderings and the rise of King Saul to the throne. We...

1 hr. 19 min.

We begin with the ascension of Saul to the throne of kingship over all 12 tribes of Israel in the First Book of Samuel. However, due to Saul's...

1 hr. 18 min.

We review the defining characteristics of the Davidic Covenant before moving into the reign of King Solomon. Bethsheba, whose name means Daughter...

1 hr. 17 min.

We cover First and Second Kings, showing how the united Davidic Kingdom under Solomon split in 930 B.C. when Solomon died. This...

1 hr. 16 min.

We come to understand how the Deuteronomic curses (outlined in the Book of Deuteronomy) are fulfilled in both the Northern and Southern Kingdoms as they...

1 hr. 18 min.

We take a look at some of the key Old Testament prophetic passages that foretell the restoration of all Israel under the descendant of King David: the Davidic King. We go...

1 hr. 14 min.

We view of the history between when the exiled Jews first began to return to the Holy Land (i.e. Palestine) in 538 B.C. and the...

1 hr. 19 min.

We go over the various religious groups in the Holy Land both when Jesus was born and when he went about his ministry at approxim...

1 hr. 19 min.

We survey the 27 books of the New Testament by first looking at the authorship of the 4 Gospels, who their audiences most probably were, as well as the major themes they...

1 hr. 19 min.

We begin with an explanation of the Christological definition formulated at the Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon in 451 A.D. Carson then speaks about the two means...

1 hr. 17 min.

We uncover the deeper meaning behind the baptism of Jesus, his temptation in the desert wilderness, the Wedding at Cana (found in John 2), as well as Jesus' proclam...

1 hr. 19 min.

We come to better understand what Jesus says in Mark's Gospel: "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and believe in the gospel." (Mark 1:15) by look...

1 hr. 19 min.

We delve into the theme of Jesus as the New Passover lamb. We are told in the Gospels that the Last Supper was specifically the Passover meal...

1 hr. 18 min.

We begin speaking of the resurrection of Jesus not with the Gospel narratives, nor with St. Paul's testimony of the Risen Christ, but with the Book of the Prophet Ezek...

1 hr. 14 min.

We discuss how Jesus perfectly fulfills the Old Testament in two main ways: (1) Jesus fulfills various Old Testament foretypes that point to...

1 hr. 19 min.

We come to understand how the birth of the Church is none other than the restoration of the Davidic Kingdom under the Son of David...

1 hr. 19 min.

We look back at the whole of Salvation History to better understand God's purpose for Israel, which is to be a light to the nations...

1 hr. 18 min.

We look at the person, history, and theology of one of the greatest saints in the 2,000 year history of the Catholic Church: St. Paul the Apostle. In this episode, we read...

1 hr. 19 min.

We reexamine the 12 characteristics of the Davidic Kingdom in the Old Testament. Since the New Covenant is a renewal and extension of the Davidic Covenant, we find these...

1 hr. 17 min.

We divide the lesson into four parts. First, we discuss the historical meaning of the word: "catholic." While it literally means "according...

1 hr. 19 min.

We go through the historical context surrounding St. John's Apocalypse, which is also known as "Revelation" - the final book of the canon of Sacred Scripture. Its genre is...

1 hr. 19 min.

We wrap up the Understanding the Scriptures Bible course by learning how to read and interpret Scripture faithfully. We do this by examin...